Medical Intuition Technologies LLC Medical Billing Practice Management System
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Real-Time Patient Eligibility Real-Time Patient Eligibility

Patient Benefit Eligibility Verification is a FREE* on-line service that allows you to check patient insurance eligibility in real-time. Eligibility Verification provides a quick confirmation of patient insurance and benefit coverage that can be printed or saved on your computer.


How Does It Work?

The initial screen collects information about the patient. You can use a variety of fields to lookup a patient. Some payers even allow to search for a patient using partial patient information, such as only full name and date of birth, or just the insured ID.

Once submitted the eligibility verification takes seconds, and all results are displayed immediately. The eligibility information can be printed and included in a patient’s chart as a proof of active coverage.

The benefit eligibility data we obtain contains valuable information, such as:
  • Medicare and Medicaid HMO Plan information, with the phone numbers of each HMO listed
  • Total and Remaining Deductible Amounts and Co-Pays
  • Patient demographics on file with the payer
  • Patient address as recorded by the payer
  • Dates of Coverage
  • Date of Death (Medicare & Medicaid)
  • Eligibility information organized to show most important items first
  • Summarized or fully detailed eligibility views are available

How much does it cost?

Patient eligibility service is FREE* for all payers Participating in standard eligibility verification. For all payers that do not participate in standard eligibility verification (Non-Par) the cost is $99 per month/provider**.

Our initial sign up requires NO CREDIT CARD information, and provides immediate access to Participating payers. If you like our product and want to sign up for Non-Participating payer eligibility then you can do so at any time by logging into your free account and clicking "Subscription" from the administration menu.

Look below under "Additional Information" to see a full list of Participating and Non-Participating payers available through our eligibility service

Additional Information
Click on the images below to view screenshots of our online application

medical eligibility request medical eligibility response medicare medicaid eligibility

To view complete list of real-time eligibility payers for physician practice type, click here To view complete list of real-time eligibility payers for hospitals, click here
To download both types of payers in Excel spreadsheet, click here

To see samples of the generated eligibility reports, click below
sample 1       sample 2       sample 3


* Free eligibility verification is available for Participating payers only.
** Includes appx 250 Non-Par transactions per month/payer.
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